Monday, February 6, 2017

Next Stop… Real Life

I graduated Marist College in May 2016. I attended Marist for 4 years and I received a Bachelor of the Arts degree. I have nothing but positive things to say about Marist. The past four years have been better than I ever could have imagined they would be when I entered freshmen year. It hasn’t been easy, and there certainly have been some low points, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. In college, you have to be dedicated and motivated to study hard and long hours. I want to thank Marist for a Mathematics degree, incredible friends, and endless memories! Marist will always be my second home.


Graduated (verb)- successfully complete an academic degree
Attended (Verb)- be present at
Positive (noun)- good quality or attribute 
Imagined (verb)- form of a mental image
Dedicated (adjective)- devoted to a task or purpose
Motivated (verb)- a drive to do something
Incredible (adjective)- extraordinary 
Endless (adjective)- having or seeming to have no end

Vocabulary Activity

Grammar Point
What is an ellipsis?
An ellipsis is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots.
It can express hesitation, changes of mood, suspense, or thoughts. An ellipsis may also indicate a short pause in a sentence.

For example:

I wasn’t really . . . well, what I mean . . . see, the thing is . . . I didn’t mean it.

Can you find the ellipsis in this blog?

Grammar Activity:

State if the sentence needs an ellipsis or not. 

1. Well... I wanted it to be a suprise.

2. I started my homework earlier because my favorite... tv show is on tonight. 

3. The teacher told the students... to write down the homework.

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